Today’s financial and estate planning tools give us lots of options when it comes to looking after our human loved ones postmortem, such as life insurance, wills, trusts, holding property jointly, etc. But what about our other loved ones—our pets? Introducing the Pet Trust! What is a pet trust? A pet trust is a legal […]
5 Ways Estate Planning Is More Than Just A Will
Estate planning involves the creation of legal documents that provide for the disposition of your estate when you pass away or become incapacitated. Your estate includes all of your possessions—your real estate, automobiles, bank accounts, investments, life insurance and personal belongings. Having an estate plan gives you control over how your affairs are arranged. You […]
The Differences Between A Will And A Trust
There are many different ways to prepare for your future with your estate planning attorney. There are many different types of documents, plans, and decisions that you have to make when deciding how you want to distribute your estate. When looking at the options and deciding what estate plan is best for your situation, you […]
How To Involve Your Family In Your Estate Plan
When deciding your estate plan, there are many things you have to think about. Choosing the right plan, executing and organizing the documents, and meeting with your attorney are all part of the job of planning what will happen to your estate. But one thing that is integral to the process is often the one reason […]